Sundao ISM – Clarified Inner Vision – Master Yu & SooJin Kim
On October 21-22, November 18-19 and December 2-3, meet the ISM online community. One weekend counts 6 hours for ISM Facilitator certification (two weekends 18h)
Total Biology® will give you knowledge, and Sundao ISM will give you strength and power to put this knowledge into practice!
Go where it all begins. To your Inner Space.
We invite you to a beautiful journey to full physical, mental, emotional and spiritual reintegration, which will allow you to discover your unlimited potential, creativity and true joy.
Breakthrough moments, deep changes, transformations, fruitful successes, right choices, health, prosperity, happiness are the share of those who have access to their Inner Space. It’s your personal navigation that will take you exactly where you most want to be. It is the source of your inner power, creation and inspiration from which you can always draw.
When you connect with it, your true intentions will begin to manifest in your life. From the level of Inner Space, your reality will finally take the desired shape.
Connect with your Inner Space – the wonderful place where everything begins!
Discover Sundao; ISM!
The Lifetime Foundation – Creating a Lifeline
Module A Enlightenment Body
The first step to Inner Space is through the Enlightened body. Practices that stimulate the flow of energy and connection with the Universe. Awakening Inner Space for true well-being with your infinite potential and full creative leadership.
Module B Awakened Heart / Awakened heart 2023
Awaken your heart and free yourself from limiting beliefs. Awakening Inner Space by releasing limiting energy and entering a state of immense flow of life energy for your abundance. Exercises and meditations thanks to which you will get closer to your heart and start to hear its voice clearly.
Module C Clarified Inner Vision 2023
Clear Inner Vision with Greater Life Awareness and Soul Design.
Sophisticated and selected knowledge combining ancient techniques, body and mind work and spirituality that will change your perception of yourself and the world. When you look at life through the prism of Inner Space, you clearly see your goals and know how to achieve them. From this perspective, everything becomes easy and possible.
You can experience Peace and True Joy only when you feel who you really are!
The intention of the workshop is to create a space that will be the basis for finding what you really want, along with new ideas and inspirations for the implementation of your desires. You don’t need to have previous experience with Sundao ISM to get started. Regardless of where you are in your development, you will truly realize the extraordinary Power of Your Being, which will significantly accelerate your transformation. You will receive tools and inspiration to move to a higher level of fulfillment and ways to share your inner light, happiness, peace. You will experience full transparency, clarity and sufficiency!
ISM workshops are an invitation to become your best life guide. You can be the Light that will always lead you in the right direction – exactly where you want and need to be.
Sundao ISM (Integral Somatic Method) practice:
Methodology to find solutions for every situation
Meditation to connect with your Inner Space where we find answers
Movement and Breath – the foundations of our well-being.
Integral Somatic Method, Inner Space Meditation, Message of Inner Spirituality Movement
The Art of Teaching Sundao; ISM with The Deep Talk and Practice
Topics with the Foundation, Practice Awareness, Working with Yourself and Helping Ourselves / Helping Others
- Are you in the middle of your life project or business where you need to bring full efficiency and resolution? We provide the most updated training for somatic resolution and energetic transformation with Sundao; ISM meditation, a powerful methodology, somatic movements, and messages for meeting goal fulfillment.
- Are you experiencing a life crisis related to your heath, family, relationship, sexuality, finance or job/work?
- Do you intend to recover from intense stress and trauma?
- What are your limiting beliefs, sabotaging energy, and conditioning on your infinite potential and full creative leadership? Gain clarity on how they were formed and transform them into consciousness so you can fully live your life and contribute your unique gifts to the world.
- Ancient and Proven Strategies and Extraordinary Transformations for personal/organizational Well-Being, Effectiveness, and Abundance in all dimensions.
Master Yu, SooJin, our goal is to share with you everything you need to unlock the boundless energy, intelligence, creativity, and love that has always resided within your Inner Space. We invite you to the 3Folds Approach of ISM on your journey of full Re-Integration physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, which allows you to tap into your Infinite Potential and full Creative Leadership with the Awakened Consciousness of your Inner Space.
This is an invitation toward deeper Sundao; ISM Meditation, Somatics, and Energy Transformation Practice, awakening your true nature and embracing a Shared Vision Partnership! Embark on your Life Journey of Re-Integration Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually, allowing your Infinite Potential and Full Creative Leadership to flourish.
ISM invites us through a three-fold approach, which involves:
Methodology for resolution in the present life moment..
- ISM as the “Integral Somatic Method,” supported by your deepest truth.
- ISM as the “Inner Space Meditation,” Meditation with your Inner Space, facilitating full Synchronization with your True Space, Original Space, and Home Space.
- ISM as the “Inner Spirituality Movement”: Living life as an example of a new standard of humanity, recreating culture and partnership, as you honoring the divine sovereign presence in every human. This forms the foundation of genuine personal and collective well of being.
Master Yu and SooJin have been in lifelong devotion to personal growth and human perfection/potential. Sundao ISM Body/Soul Training is a complete re-interpretation of ancient pearls of wisdom, encompassing methods, meditations, and messages. It guides you on how to regain true mastership and genuinely take responsibility as a creative leader in your life and the world.
The three-fold approach of Sundao; ISM Practice (Inner Space Meditation, Integral Somatic Method, and Message of “Inner Spirituality Movement”) shares benefits across a wide spectrum of educational training for unlocking your infinite potential and full creative leadership.
We invite you to join us for well-being and meditation retreats, special workshops, and masterclasses covering topics such as leadership, healing, relationship, parenting, business and projects, stress, and trauma, etc. These events promote personal and organizational well-being and efficiency.
ISM Training is not derived from any other known modality today. It is to the point and utterly practical. This bull’s eye light-speed method meets the needs and challenges of modern men and women seeking personal and organizational efficiency, as well as ultimate well-being.
Our dynamic ISM meetings create a caring, inspirational, and educational environment that generates breakthroughs in crucial aspects of your life. We will guide each participant to gain absolute clarity and practical insight into how desired changes can be achieved from internal unrest, stuck, stresses, and any physical/mental challenges, leading to freedom of consciousness and a fulfilling life.
ISM Training includes the physical and emotional body, as well as the energy system as domains of learning, understanding, awakening, integrating, resolving, and finding fulfillment. Our meetings include light movements, guided meditation, interactive exercises, and inspirational talks. Our bodies are our energetic vehicles in this life, supporting different states of Being and consciousness. ISM training is an invitation for you to become a beacon (lighthouse) in your world, where your presence shines a light that brings fulfillment and success.
This is what we did during the Sundao ISM Seminar at von Treskov Castle, let’s meet again!
Organizational information:
Moduł C – Clarified Inner Vision
October 21-22, November 18-19 and 2-3 of December 2023
Master Yu
World renowned lecturer, most dynamic meditation teacher, philosopher, book author and coach for artists, celebrities and business people. He gives people inspiration based on freedom, fluidity and synchronicity. Creator of the Integral Somatic Method (Sundao; ISM), his own interpretation of mountain Taoism, Buddhism, traditional oriental medicine and the latest discoveries of quantum mechanics.
SooJin Kim
One of the creators of the Sundao ISM method. A violinist whose music helps others to connect with their Inner Space and to express their emotions. She believes that we draw strength from knowing our capabilities and self-love. Since 1999, she has been sharing practical guidance, meditations and music around the world. Conducts seminars and trainings together with her husband master Yu Jae Shin.
The course (Modul C) counts 18 hours towards the Sundao Facilitator certification.
The Sundao ISM Facilitator certificate is valid for 1 year.
Hours for certification are calculated according to the academic calendar, starting from October 2022 to September 2023.
Each meeting is assigned an appropriate number of hours.
First Certification: Minimum 80 hours per year – workshops with Master Yu – including attendance at a retreat with Master Yu once a year. Continuous Certification: A minimum of 40 hours per year of Sundao ISM classes – including attending a retreat with Master Yu once a year.
See you at the training session!